Monday, August 30, 2010

Love That Let Us Share Our Name

1. How has the concept of "family" changed over time?
2. How is it different among other nations?
3. Do family relationships shape one's social life?
4. What is the importance of family?


1. What is unique a mother's love?
2. In a world primarily patriarchal, how did/do some cultures develop a matriarchal society?


1. Why are humans, this culture especially, so concerned with material belongings?
2. Why do we develop this attachment to property?
3. How do other cultures value material goods?
4. Are horders common in other countries?
5. Is hording considered a disorder in other cultures?
6. Does the American life style affect the way we view "stuff"?
7. Do poorer nations have that same view?
8. Alternatively, is the oppposite of hording, never keeping anything, a disorder?


1. How does the importance of family pride differ among cultures?
2. Why is it so easy for parents to be proud of their children?
3. How is a child's life affected if their parents don't show pride?

Lots of Trouble

1. Why is the rebellious age generally adolescence? 
2. What happens to people who don't phase out of that rebellious stage until further into adulthood?
3. How does "trouble" between the age ranges differ?

Which Brother Is Better

1. How many families deal with sibling rivalry to the point where it affects everyday life?
2. How do parents try to deal with over competitive siblings?
3. Is it ever possible for siblings not to feel in competition with each other? Over school, sports, attention, etc.


1. How prevalent is revenge in our society today?
2. How acceptable is it?
3. At what point does revenge go too far?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


1. How do different cultures view murder?
2. How have artists reflected on this act in their works?
3. On average, how many people in the United States are affected by murder each year?
4. The world?
5. How many murders are blamed on the "insane"?
6. How have others tried to reach out those affected by murder?